Richmond Bell Architects: Rebrand and Web Design

Award-winning sustainable architects


Richmond Bell Architects in Salisbury came to us for a rework of their brand identity and a complete redesign and build of their website. Dream project!


  • Brand & Identity
  • Development
  • Web Design


  • Architecture

visual identity

Giant Peach was brought on board to design a contemporary and engaging visual identity that demonstrates RBA’s professionalism and niche expertise, together with aligning the brand with the newer, sustainable and ecological direction of the business.

Other key focus points for inclusion during this part of the project were exploring custom typographic treatments within predominately letterform based brandmarks, solidifying consistency across the identity and lock up combinations and brandmark/full identity isolation.

In terms of broadening the colour palette, we took cues from more sustainability-influenced palettes and tones.

brand process

We provided RBA with a selection of creative routes, presenting mood boards which each covered a different focus area.

From these routes we developed our first three concepts, exploring minimalist design and grotesque typography, playing with letterforms to create shape along with fine keylines, horizontal/vertical letter balance and positioning.

We also explored softer approaches for a stronger sustainable feel, looking at delicate and more intricate serif typefaces. We also developed monogram based brandmarks and paired natural negative space with stronger, blockier typeface choices.

rb linework

For the final stage of development, we removed the ‘A’ from the brandmark, as ‘Architects’ was to sit as a secondary line underneath the wordmark.

We then refined the ‘RB’ by extending the leg of the ‘R’, shearing off descender terminals of the ‘R’ and ‘B’ and tightening the kerning between the two letters.

We ensured that all sheared angles and typeface weights matched accurately because when you’re an architect, attention to even the smallest detail is key. We created a grid with which we fine-tuned the brandmark to the millimetre.

brand summary

The final identity incorporates a keyline spaciously positioned between the brandmark and the wordmark, with the extension of the typeface chosen for the brandmark used for ‘Richmond Bell’, and a secondary, sans-serif typeface used for ‘Architects’ set in uppercase.

RBA’s refreshed contemporary identity sets them apart from their competitors, retaining a slick, and unique feel, whilst giving nods to sustainability.

The identity is versatile and easily transferable across multiple platforms and branded collateral.


website overview

RBA’s website design reflects their identity in terms of its contemporary feel. Ample use of white space, offset imagery, and mirroring of the identity typefaces ensures brand and website are seamless.

Website Process

The Visual Information Hierachy was key to the User Experience of the RBA website; creating clear focus points and a defined content structure.

Because guiding prospective clients to RBA’s portfolio and making navigation accessible was so important, we proposed positioning tiled featured projects directly underneath the homepage banner area to initiate the user’s journey quickly and effectively. RBA can pick and choose which projects to sit within this featured area, tailoring what their clients see on arrival to the site.

website process

RBA Salisbury, was keen to incorporate a cascading tile of project thumbnails on their project page, which we amped up with varying image sizes for visual appeal.

Large imagery on project pages showcases RBA’s work in fine detail, and incorporating a ‘Project Highlights’ accordion enables the user to view a breakdown of project detail in a small space.

Clear signposting throughout the site allows users to get in touch to discuss a project, whilst the sticky burger menu and navigation links enables users to navigate the site easily no matter where they are.

responsive design

Along with the desktop design, we ensured that the RBA website was optimised for responsive browsing and used best UX practices such as sticky navigation and easy to click call to action buttons and links.


We rounded off the project with a set of lifestyle and team headshot photography to reflect the updated team.


To ensure the images were in keeping with the new brand, we used soft lighting, contemporary angles and as many natural materials in the frame as possible.


Having battled with the consistency with the presentation and usage of RBA’s previous identity, we defined a solid direction for the new brand and cemented a clearer usage framework.

Both brand identity and website design compliment one another visually in terms of RBA’s contemporary and sustainable position as a business, ensuring both brand and website are a seamless experience for their clients.

Next Project

Chickpea Group: Brand Identity, UX and Web Design