When a plan comes together: how to initiate successful projects
A successful project is more than just the end product. At Giant Peach we measure success in client happiness and a huge factor in that objective is the journey we take together. A victorious venture is one where client and business alike feel they’ve had every opportunity to input, clarify and understand.
And it’s not just us. Delivering projects smoothly and with everyone on board is the goal of any business. Which is why we’re sharing our tips for the most crucial and valuable stage in that process: the planning.

Let’s get started
The most worthwhile aspect of planning is ‘requirements gathering’. For us it’s a three-part process, the first of which is an internal meeting with the management team to map out the project and throw around ideas. It gives us an energetic start, with visions shared and creativity flowing.

Agree the destination
Next up is the client meeting: planning the main shape and goals of the website, focusing on objectives and audience. This meeting enables us to create the scope we’ll all be working towards and opens the floor for clarification. Our clients leave this meeting feeling confident and satisfied with the journey we’re proposing.

All aboard
The third stage of requirements gathering is the internal briefing with the design and development team. Although they’ll have been party to the previous meetings, this additional stage is imperative in order to have an opportunity to introduce more ideas and feel totally locked-in to project goals. These stages of info gathering allow us to check, check and check again that we’re all moving in the same direction. With no stone unturned we move smoothly and efficiently towards success.
4 Tips for Planning Successful Projects
- Keep on track Separate your project into bite-sized tasks. Tracking manageable objectives gives you a realistic view of where you are in terms of scheduling, budget and time. It’s a project manager’s dream and it’s a great team motivator too – ticking off smaller achievements more frequently.
- Lessons learned Learn from past projects. Keep processes agile and effective with a PIR (post-implementation review), which is project management speak for figuring out what worked and what didn’t. Reflecting and collating information in this way allows you to streamline and improve.
- In this together Listen to each other. A successful project is the sum of its parts. Dedication increases and results soar when everyone involved in the planning process has a voice. From big ideas to little tweaks, everyone’s opinion is valid.
- Stay in touch Open communication is vital to a strong project and robust planning provides the guidance necessary for everyone to sing from the same sheet. Regular catch-ups (worked into the plan and throughout the process) ensure everyone knows where they are and has every opportunity to contribute.

Best foot forward.
Clear direction, transparent communication and covering every base gets the project where it needs to be and takes everyone on that journey together. For client and team alike, knowing the course you’re on and what you’re role is means you feel informed, involved and engaged. With everyone moving together, your project is off to a flying start.