Alive and Clicking: converting with email
Isn’t email dead?
On average we receive around 121 emails a day – how many of us can say we diligently check and appropriately action everything in our inbox? It’s easy to see why the days of emailing for engagement might be numbered.
Despite the overload of electronic comms, your audience, consumers and customers would still prefer to receive their main communication from you in email form. The only problem is, if you want to convert in this sea of electronic mithering you need to work harder to get read.

Choose your platform
We use JiffyMail (because we designed it #shamelessplug). It’s easy to create and populate as well as schedule campaigns and use reports to measure and improve. The other biggies, MailChimp, GetReponse and AWeber all do a similar job; browse for one that suits your needs and matches your values.
This time it’s personal
We do this all the time don’t we? Who’s your audience? Well, we’re doing it again. The most effective way to differentiate from the competition is to speak in an authentic tone about things that matter to you and your recipients. Speaking the language of your readers makes them all the more likely to act when they reach that call to action button.
Separate your recipient lists according to what drives them to you: what they signed up for, where their interests lie, their location, industry etc. The more personalised the email, the more your readers trust you and feel comfortable taking the next step in investing in you.
What do you want to say?
Be specific. Make this email something they can’t refuse. Think about what they want: an offer? A download? Exclusive content? And then think about what you want: what’s your CTA (call to action)? Do you want to redirect them to your site? Buy something? Sign up to an event? Be clear about your motivation.

The pull of a good email lies in its subject line. Think about the above – what do your readers want? Tell them you have it and they’ll want to know more. But don’t give the answer away – give them a reason to open e.g:
How to write emails that convert
Write emails readers care about by addressing their needs
As with social media, the email is an extension of your brand. Colours, images, video, tone, font – all backing up the familiarity and trust and giving your readers confidence in the content.
If you’re unsure, use the templates on offer – readers are used to a certain way of scanning for info and a familiar format helps them find what they’re looking for. If you’re more seasoned and happy to design your own, mix it up, go for something a bit different and you’ll stand out from the crowd.
Information hierarchy
Have one goal for your email. One point of measurement. What do you want your reader to do? If it’s buying something, open with a deal, if it’s fall in love with you, start with a story. Each segment requires something different – take time to consider them and they’ll reward you with a big fat click:
Sell something:
- Images are key – make them representative, clear, beautiful and linked to the product page
- Use descriptive summaries for each picture
- Consider incentives – money off, free shipping, how-to vids not available elsewhere
Visit the site:
- Use content from your website
- Visuals and videos are strong and compelling for your readers
- Think about using a gallery grid of snackable content to entice readers to click
Event signup:
- Open with the event information
- Talk about benefits to the reader
- Clear signposting to sign up
- Imagery and video

Any email marketing platform worth its salt will include the option of tracking every aspect of performance – click-through, open rates, unsubscribes, bounces etc. Monitor what each of your segments prefers and create more content in line with that. Keep testing and tracking and you’ll get to know what converts your recipients.
Need more?
Come for a chat about email content, campaigns, design or strategy, we’ll get you on the right track.